PLANETS AND THEIR HOUSES OF JOY By Laurie Naughtin Though planets rule specific houses they also have houses where they find their joy and are happy. In your own home you are the owner, you have to keep it in order, take command of your servants, feed your...
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MARS JOURNEY THROUGH GEMINI WILL BE LONG AND CHALLENGING By Laurie Naughtin From the 20th of August 2022 right up till the end of March 2023 Mars will be transiting through Gemini. This transit of Mars will create trouble. Normally Mars will spend just under 2 Months in...
AUGUST NEWSLETTER 2022 By Laurie Naughtin Expect shockwaves this Month, we need to find ways to deal with the darkness that lurks under the surface of our society. We begin the month with Mars the aggressive planet connecting with Uranus brining to light sudden upsets, rash behaviour and...