NOVEMBER 2022 NEWSLETTER By Laurie Naughtin Well October was a rush and we survived! The eclipse in Scorpio was a fascinating eclipse bringing us a chance to let go of the old and emerge refreshed. The universe takes charge of your reality during an eclipse month, and points...
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OCTOBER 2022 NEWSLETTER By Laurie Naughtin September was challenging, brace yourselves as October as the propensity of being even more challenging. We still have 6 planets either retrograde or going stationary in October. When a planet stations before changing direction it needs to stop. This stationary period makes...
Horary Question: Should I Get Another Dog? The querent already has one dog and was wondering whether to get another one. She was concerned about the two of them getting along because the current one is quite feisty. Her current dog gets anxious when she is away so she...