OCTOBER 2023 NEWSLETTER By Laurie Naughtin www.sublunar.co.za ECLIPSE SEASON! October month will be interesting as it’s a bit of great, a bit of change, a bit of challenge and a bit of focus. We will experience two eclipses this month. The first will be an Annular Solar Eclipse; this...
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Saturn transit through Pisces by Clesia van Zyl – August 2023 Ideally, we want Sustainable Growth to be the outcome of Saturn’s transit through Pisces. How can we achieve this with the vastness of Pisces and the restrictive nature of Saturn? Pisces, we have all experienced as an imaginative...
SEPTEMBER 2023 NEWSLETTER By Laurie Naughtin www.sublunar.co.za Wow what an amazing spectacle seeing the Super Blue Moon with Saturn and all his moon’s just on her left. The next one of this magnitude will be in 2037. The build up to this Moon has been an emotional ride for...