By Laurie
Mercury is now stationary, when a planet is not moving it is at its most vulnerable.
Mercury is all about communication, travel and movement, he is also the ruler of tricksters and thieves.
Mercury is retrograding in Sagittarius the sign of expansive uncontrolled energy, Mercury behaves badly in this sign when direct in motion, whilst retrograde Mercury will behave extremely badly.
Impatient driving, not obeying the rules of the road and causing havoc in general seems to be name of this game. We really need to be aware of pitfalls out there.
As Mercury is also the communicator, people including yourself will find it very difficult to be diplomatic, in fact we may surprise ourselves with what comes out our mouths. It is almost impossible not to be argumentative and aggressive when in a debate.
As its holiday season and many of us are going to be on the road, just make sure all is good with your motor vehicles, if not problems that go wrong with your engine, burst tires etc could delay your trip, and you may even find yourself stranded in a strange town waiting for parts. Don’t speed and be aware of potholes.
As for buying gifts, oh boy I feel sorry for the stores as they will see more returns that ever this holiday season. My advice is buy a gift that can be returned or give a voucher that can be spent when Mercury is direct.
On the bright side it is a good time to reflect on how you can expand your business, grow spiritually, and decide what it is you wish to study.
This will continue throughout December, Mercury will be direct and in full motion in the New Year.