Sublunar Astrology

A Comparative Analysis of Independent (Eastern Hemisphere) and Dependent (Western Hemisphere) Populated Birth Charts in Traditional Astrology.

By: Leonie Maritz (Zodiac Tarot)    19.6.2024

In traditional astrology, the division of the birth chart into hemispheres offers profound insights into an individual’s psychological orientation and how they navigate their life journey. Particularly significant are the Eastern and Western hemispheres, each representing distinct approaches to self-expression, interpersonal dynamics, and life fulfilment. This essay explores and compares the pros and cons of charts dominant in the Eastern hemisphere, characterized by independence and self-reliance, with those dominated in the Western hemisphere, emphasizing adaptability and relational engagement.

The Eastern Hemisphere: Independence and Self-Initiation.

The Eastern hemisphere of the birth chart encompasses the 10th, 11th, 12th, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd houses. It symbolizes the realm of public reputation, goals and community, self-expression, personal identity, and individual initiative. Planets predominantly located in this hemisphere suggest a focus on self-reliance, personal goals, and the ability to initiate action independently. This placement suggests an independent individual who is strongly subjective in their views and self-orientated, with leadership qualities and a pronounced individualism in their persona. Self-motivated and suspicious of the other’s level of capability, this placement signifies an individual who struggles to delegate or give up control.

Individuals with a dominant Eastern hemisphere may experience frustrations stemming from a sense of sole responsibility and self-reliance. They often feel unsupported by the other and burdened by the inherent responsibility of autonomy.  This can lead to a perception that everything rests on their shoulders, as they are driven to take initiative and execute tasks independently. Sadly, life being the exquisite mirror that it is, this is often actually true for the “independent” native. Furthermore, their strong sense of capability and competence may make it challenging for them to delegate tasks, as they believe they are the best suited for the job. This self-imposed burden of responsibility can lead to feelings of isolation and pressure to constantly perform at their highest level, without the relief of shared responsibilities or collaborative efforts. However, I believe there is great liberty in being the one who controls the direction and initiation of one’s life. Independents would do well to realise that, whilst tiring, it is an empowered state rather than a burdensome one.


Self-Reliance and Initiative: Individuals with a strong emphasis in the Eastern hemisphere are often characterized by a proactive approach to life. They exhibit a high degree of self-reliance, taking initiative to pursue their goals and aspirations without necessarily relying heavily on others’ input or support.

Control over Direction: The Eastern hemisphere dominance suggests a sense of control over one’s life direction. These individuals tend to have a clear sense of personal identity and are driven by their own ambitions and desires rather than being swayed by external influences.

Focused Self-Development: With an emphasis on personal growth and self-expression, those with an Eastern hemisphere dominant chart often prioritize developing their skills, pursuing their passions, and cultivating a strong sense of individuality.


Potential Isolation: Excessive emphasis on independence may sometimes lead to isolation or a reluctance to collaborate with others. This can hinder opportunities for mutual growth, shared experiences, and learning from different perspectives.

Limited Interpersonal Skills: Depending on the planetary placements, individuals with an Eastern dominance might prioritize personal achievements over developing strong interpersonal skills. This could affect their ability to form deep, meaningful relationships with others.

Difficulty in Collaborative Environments: In professional or social settings that require teamwork and collaboration, those with an Eastern hemisphere emphasis may find it challenging to adapt to collective goals and compromise for the greater good.

The Western Hemisphere: Adaptability and Relational Engagement.

Conversely, the Western hemisphere includes the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th houses. It represents the domain of interpersonal relationships, partnerships, and the individual’s engagement with others. Charts dominated by the Western hemisphere emphasize adaptability, relational skills, and the ability to navigate social dynamics effectively.

This placement suggests an individual that is dependent and adaptable. “Dependent” natives tend to be more passive in their action and prefer to let others take the lead. However they are opportunistic and maximise on chances for collaboration and mutual benefit. Dependents will have learnt to manipulate people, scenarios and factors to work in their favour as they require buy-in from the other and other external factors to create impetus in the lives. However, the dependent is more considerate of the other so this manipulation is hardly ever malicious, but rather for the greater good outcome of both parties.

Individuals with a dominant Western hemisphere may face frustrations related to the need for active buy-in and support from others. They thrive on collaboration and interpersonal engagement, often investing significant emotional and practical effort into relationships and shared endeavours. However, they may feel stymied when others do not reciprocate the same level of commitment or emotional investment. This can lead to disappointment and a sense of being let down by collaborators who may not share their enthusiasm or dedication. Unlike their Eastern hemisphere counterparts who feel they “have to” take charge, those with a Western dominance often “want to” collaborate and may struggle when their efforts are not met with equal enthusiasm or contribution from others.


Interpersonal Skills: Individuals with a dominant Western hemisphere are often adept at navigating social interactions, forming alliances, and collaborating with others. They excel in situations that require teamwork and cooperative efforts.

Adaptability: This dominance fosters adaptability and flexibility in various social and professional contexts. These individuals can adjust their behaviours and strategies to harmonize with others’ needs and expectations.

Emotional Intelligence: The emphasis on relationships in the Western hemisphere encourages the development of emotional intelligence. Individuals may have a heightened sensitivity to interpersonal dynamics, empathy for others’ perspectives, and the ability to resolve conflicts effectively.


Dependency on Others: A strong Western hemisphere dominance may sometimes lead to a reliance on others for validation, decision-making, or emotional support. This dependency can potentially limit personal autonomy and individual decision-making.

Difficulty in Solitude: Individuals with a Western dominance might struggle with solitude or introspective activities that require self-reliance and independent thought. They may find it challenging to be alone or to initiate personal projects without external input.

Risk of Losing Identity: There is a risk that individuals with a predominant Western hemisphere focus may prioritize relationships and external validation over their own personal goals and ambitions. This could potentially lead to a loss of individual identity or a sense of direction.

After looking at both hemispheres, I am reminded that Eastern Hemisphere is synonymous with the Ascendant or rising sign of the 1st House. Herein lies our individualism, who we are, our aesthetic and how we present to the world. Arguably, I could say that this a choice, wherein lies the independence. Conversely, the Western Hemisphere is synonymous with our Descendant setting sign of the 7th house. Here we find our partners, romantic and business, and a house of contracts, where we sign our power away to the partnership, wherein lies the dependence.


In conclusion, the comparison between charts dominated by the Eastern and Western hemispheres highlights contrasting approaches to life, personal fulfilment and intrapersonal dynamics. The Eastern hemisphere champions independence, self-initiation, and personal growth, offering individuals control over their life direction and a strong sense of individuality. Conversely, the Western hemisphere emphasises adaptability, relational skills, and engagement with others, fostering collaboration, empathy, and the ability to navigate complex social dynamics.

Both hemispheric orientations have their strengths and challenges, but it is ultimately the planetary placements that will dictate how the native honours or defies the hemispheric dynamics.



Chimenti, A. Hemisphere Dominance: The Importance of Hemisphere Dominance in Natal Charts. 2023. Last accessed 19.6.24

Houlding, D. The Houses: Temples of the Sky 1998. The Wessex Astrologer ltd. Bournemouth, England.

Naughtin, L. Natal Astrology Beginners Course ‘Hemispheres’. 2015 Sublunar Academy. Gauteng, South Africa.