Astrology Code of Ethics
Astrological Society of South Africa Membership Code of Ethics
Astrologers are dedicated to the development and enhancement of the human condition through an understanding of celestial phenomena as applied to human concerns. Astrologers are committed to honesty, fairness and respect for others and remain acutely aware of the need to understand themselves in order to understand and help others.
Astrologers are aware of the immense contribution astrology can make to human knowledge and wisdom and accordingly encourage an open exchange of ideas both outside and within their profession. Above all astrologers respect the potential power they hold which has the ability to affect the lives of others and they strive for the highest levels of competence and diligence.
A. General Standards
This Code applies to the activities of astrologers in their professional work, as well as in their representations and use of astrology at large.
Astrologers avoid making statements that could cause harm through confusion, misunderstanding or fear.
Astrologers provide services to the public – whether in astrology or in other disciplines – only within the boundaries of their competence based on their education, training and appropriate experience.
a) Consulting astrologers are careful to present their astrological interpretations and opinions with objectivity and appropriate qualifying statements, rather than as final or unequivocal pronouncements.
b) Astrologers make predictions only when they are derived from a conscientious application of technique.
a) Astrologers respect the rights of others, including clients, students and colleagues, to hold values, attitudes and opinions different from their own.
b) Astrologers make every effort to refrain from any behaviour that may reasonably be considered offensive, harassing or demeaning to others.
c) Consulting astrologers are careful to avoid manipulation of their client’s feelings and emotions.
d) Astrologers do not present their interpretations or opinions to their clients in a way that could intimidate them.
a) Astrologers respect human differences, including those due to astrological configurations, age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, disability, sexual gender preference and socio-economic status.
b) Should such human differences impair or compromise an astrologer in serving a particular individual or a group, the astrologer makes a conscious effort to ensure fairness and objectivity. Such efforts might include obtaining appropriate training, experience or advice. Otherwise the astrologer should make an appropriate referral.
a) Astrologers refrain from counselling individuals or clients with whom they have personal problems or conflicts which may interfere with their effectiveness or cause harm.
b) Astrologers remain alert to personal problems or conflicts arising during an astrology relationship, and take appropriate measures to correct the situation or to limit, suspend or terminate the understanding.
a) Astrologers do not engage in sexual behaviour with clients or students unless such behaviour is clearly separate from and outside of the astrological sessions or work.
b) Astrologers do not engage in sexual harassment. Sexual harassment consists of sexual solicitation, physical advances, or any other verbal or nonverbal sexual conduct that is offensive or that the astrologer should realize might be unwelcome. Sexual harassment can take the form of persistent or pervasive acts, or of a single act that is intense or severe.
a) When an astrologer agrees to provide consulting services for someone at the request of another, the astrologer clarifies the role of the astrologer and the extent of and limits to confidentiality with each party.
b) Astrologers do not attempt to manipulate a person’s behaviour on behalf of a third party.
B. Confidentiality
a) Astrologers respect the confidentiality and rights to privacy of their clients, students and others who they deal with in astrological contexts. Confidentiality applies to the identity of and personal information about clients and other individuals.
b) Astrologers do not disclose personal information that is unobtainable from public sources without the consent of the person involved as long as that person is living.
When consulting with colleagues, astrologers do not share the identity of the person or persons involved without prior consent. If unavoidable, they share only that information which is necessary to achieve the purposes of the consultation.
Astrologers seek permission from living subjects (such as clients, students and friends) before including conf
C. Advertising and Public Statements
Advertising, whether paid or unpaid, includes all media, such as magazines, newspaper ads, brochures, business cards, flyers and other printed matter, direct mail promotions, directory listings, résumés, etc. Public statements include advertising as well as statements made in classes, lectures, workshops and other oral presentations, published materials, interviews and comments for use in all electronic media.
a) Astrologers do not make advertising claims or public statements that are false, deceptive, misleading or fraudulent, either because of what they state or suggest, or because of what they omit. This includes claims and statements regarding their training, experience, competence, credentials, organisational affiliations, and services.
b) Astrologers take responsibility for the content of promotional advertising statements made on their behalf.
Astrologers willingly and openly reveal their sources of information, whether they be scientific, academic, experimental or mystical. Astrologers do not misrepresent their sources of information and make every effort to verify their accuracy.
a) ASSA members who represent themselves as such are careful to clarify whether they are acting as a spokesperson or as an individual.
b) ASSA members do not act as spokespersons or imply that they are spokespersons for ASSA without the authorisation to do so.
a) Misuse includes gross misrepresentation of astrological factors used to make sensational and exaggerated claims in public statements.
b) Astrologers are alert to and guard against personal, financial, social, religious or political factors that might cause them to misuse their influence.
c) Astrologers do not participate in activities in which it appears likely that their expertise or data will be misused by others.
d) If astrologers learn of the misuse of their work, they take reasonable steps to correct or minimise the misuse or misrepresentation.
D. Business Practices
Astrologers do not make astrological statements, predictions or forecasts in the course of the solicitation of clients or students that are misleading either in their optimism or their negativity, or that are frightening or intimidating.
a) Astrologers take responsibility for informing their clients of their business practices, such as length and frequency of sessions and the kind of work performed.
b) Astrologers make every effort to honour all commitments they have made.
a) Astrologers do not exploit the recipients of their services with respect to fees, nor do they misrepresent their fees.
b) Astrologers adopt a policy of transparency with regards to their fees and ensure that their clients are aware of their fees prior to the consultation.
c) Astrologers endeavour to charge market related fees that are adjusted accordingly based on their level of qualifications and experience.
d) Professional practicing astrologers do not contract their services at no charge as this demeans the craft of astrology. Pro Bono work however is accepted at their discretion where they feel this is justifiable.
a) Astrologers make referrals based on the best interests of the client or potential client. Astrologers only recommend other professionals who are to the best of their knowledge qualified, competent and ethically responsible.
b) Astrologers do not accept referral fees.
Astrologers maintain reasonable boundaries with their clients, with the best interests of their clients in mind.
E. Teaching, Writing and Research
When engaged in teaching or writing astrologers present astrological information accurately and with appropriate objectivity.
a) Astrologers realise the importance of intellectual integrity. They are aware that the improper use of copyrighted material is illegal, and that plagiarism (the presentation of another’s work as one’s own) is dishonest.
b) Astrologers always obtain permission to use copyrighted material in their classes or writings, unless a fair-use exception is allowed. Direct quotes are clearly indicated as such, and references to the work of others are properly cited.
c) Astrologers, when presenting material in either written or spoken form that includes original ideas or research or other material derived from the work of another, always give appropriate credit to their source, e.g. identified.
In research projects that involve interviews with research subjects astrologers are careful to consider the negative impact their questions may have on the well-being of those subjects.
F. Resolving Ethical Issues
Should an astrologer be uncertain how this Ethics code may apply in a given situation, the astrologer makes a good faith effort to consult with knowledgeable colleagues, organisational representatives or with other appropriate authorities such as ASSA in order to choose a proper course of action.
Astrologers do not file or encourage the filing of ethics’ complaints that are frivolous and are intended to harm the respondent rather than protect the public.
a) Astrologers cooperate in ethics investigations and proceedings and have regard for the requirements of any organisation to which they belong such as ASSA. In doing so they make reasonable efforts to resolve any issues involving potential breaches of confidentiality.
b) Astrologers are honest in their dealings with ethics’ bodies. Astrologers do not deceive or withhold appropriate information from ethics’ bodies.
a) Astrologers whose personal conviction or religious ethics conflict with those of clients or students are alert to the possible compromise of objectivity that may arise. In such cases astrologers clearly separate their views from their astrological interpretations.
b) Astrologers whose personal convictions or religious ethics come into conflict with this code clarify their differences where appropriate.