NEPTUNE AND JUPITER SQUARE…OWCH! Laurie Naughtin January this year we had a dream a big dream as Jupiter applied to square Neptune in Pisces. The natural ruler of Pisces, Jupiter is the ruler of Neptune. Jupiter is feeling very powerful in his own sign Sagittarius. In this placement...
TERRIBLE THINGS ARE HAPPENING Laurie Naughtin Why we may ask, Jupiter is a planet very involved with politics, religion and race. Three of the biggest causes for unrest and war when things in the world are all messed up. Now Jupiter in Sagittarius is in his own sign,...
BIG EXPANSIVE ENERGY Jupiter is direct! By Laurie Naughtin We are approaching the starting gate of life; we have seen what has been holding us back. Some of us have experienced that ah ha moment as clarity sets in, well get ready as you can now see what...
NEPTUNE STATIONS IN PISCES THE DREAM DISSOLVES By Laurie Naughtin Feeling lost, conflicted and floundering, almost uncomfortable but not knowing why? Neptune is known for creating illusions and deceit energy, Neptune is Pisces has a great time as Pisces has no boundaries. The deceitful evil Magician Neptune can...
MERCURY IS IN CANCER EMOTIONAL OUTBURST By Laurie Naughtin I have to share this energy as it is rather overwhelming. Mercury loves to communicate at the best of times but when Mercury moves into Cancer what needs to said is said. We really need to be careful of...
RETROGRADE PLANETS AND THEIR EFFECTS By Laurie Naughtin During a retrograde cycle planets seem to be more emphatic or noticeable acting out the nature of sign the planet is transiting through. Wherever these planets retrograde in your chart they bring about periods of inevitable events that are out...
CERES RETROGRADE IN SAGITTARIUS Suffer Little Children. By Laurie Naughtin So many dreadful and unspeakable things are happening to children, more than usual which prompted me to look at what in the astrological sky is causing this. Ceres is in Sagittarius, Ceres is one of the largest Asteroids...
MERCURY’S HORRIFIC JOURNEY IS ENDING By Laurie Naughtin Mercury has moved into his station. This is likened to the period when a patient’s heart has stopped and you have just used the pads to jump start it. No one breathes and the patient’s life is hanging by a...
CHIRON IN ARIES WELCOME INNER HERO By Laurie Naughtin Chiron the Comet has left Pisces and just entered Aries. Universal healing has been done now it is time to hero self. Chiron will be transiting Aries for the next 8 years, I personally feel that when we have...
Shocks and Surprises By Laurie Naughtin Wow today and tomorrow we can expect to receive a couple of shocks and surprises…why you ask? Mars the action planet is in his own sign of Aries an fiery action driven sign, this is strong energy as it is, well Mars...