FEBRUARY 2019 NEWSLETTER TIME TO TAKE LIFE SERIOUSLY By Laurie Naughtin www.sublunar.co.za We started the year running in all directions. It has been busy, for some very busy as the transits and Eclipses push us into directions we could not have imagined. This month brings in a bit of...
TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE THERE IS NO I IN US Laurie Naughtin www.sublunar.co.za At 7 20am on Monday the 21st we will experience a full Lunar Eclipse. It shifts us into a different way of thinking. The Moon is in Leo a sign that rules leaders and King, creativity individual...
REALITY CHECK! JUPITER SQUARES NEPTUNE By Laurie Naughtin www.sublunar.co.za Has that ideal, dream, secret or belief you have been holding onto come to the surface? Wow even watching what is going on politically we are seeing crisis after crisis as truths and the hidden corruption is coming out in...
SOLAR ECLIPSE IN CAPRICORN TODAY! HUNGRY FOR SUCCESS By Laurie Naughtin www.sublunar.co.za Well in the early hours of this morning of the 6th we will experience a Solar eclipse, the Sun is eclipsed by the Moon. So just when you think about easing into the New Year you suddenly...
JUPITER IS LEAVING SCORPIO YAY!!!!! Laurie Naughtin www,sublunar.co.za Jupiter ingresses into Sagittarius today, a time of great growth is here, in the form of politics, law, study and a higher consciousness. Transits are the planets in the heavens their energy affects us on Earth. So when a planet as...
DANGER AND SEXUAL IMBLANCE! Laurie Naughtin www.sublunar.co.za Mars is making a very stressful connection by square aspect to Venus who is in her detriment and Retrograde. This could bring about sexual frustration, it certainly is not a time for romance, in fact relationships may feel unbalanced where one feels...
VENUS IS NOW RETROGRADE By Laurie Naughtin www.sublunar.co.za Venus is no longer in her station; she has started her retrograde movement. When a planet moves we see action, things start to happen again, but in reverse when the planet moves retrograde or backwards. A lot of financial concerns will...
POW IT’S HAPPENING!!! By Laurie Naughtin www.sublunar.co.za As of now Jupiter and Pluto connect, in simple language when anything connects with Pluto we can expect a power driven spontaneous change. Jupiter as a whole is a big energy, this planet gives off more energy than any other. He is...
HELL AND BACK… By Laurie Naughtin www.sublunar.co.za Hell on earth hath no fury when Mercury is retrograde, especially when this occurs together with the Eclipses in the same sign of Leo. This explains why so many of us are experiencing so many extreme challenges, shifts, illness, accidents; when Mercury...
MERCURY MOVES TOWARDS HIS STATION EGO ALERT! By Laurie Naughtin www.sublunar.co.za Life may seem all jumbled up and with many twists and turns along the way. Indecision caused by a shifting world is right up there as a stress point in our lives, in fact life is challenging and...