VIOLENT CRIME IS GROWING…WHY? By Laurie Naughtin I was asked why crime has increased by an alarming rate in South Africa so I made a promise to write an article. I could think of one very strong planet that has the ability to shock us as well as...
GROW WITH STRUCTURE JUPITER AND SATURN ARE RETROGRADE Laurie Naughtin When the two big boys act against nature it is sure to bring about some deep reflection on your life path. What is broken will arise and what is not necessary will be highlighted, the challenge is to...
A BIG EXCITING EVENT IS HAPPENING URANUS FOLLOWS NEW MOON INTO TAURUS TOMORROW THE 15TH MAY. Our energy begins to build up with a new Moon, today we are feeling a bit tired, at the end of a cycle but tomorrow we are gifted with a New Taurus Moon...
MERCURY NIGHTMARE END IN SIGHT Laurie Naughtin Rather a dramatic heading but goodness me this Mercury Retrograde in Aries an aggressive yet pioneering fire sign, for many has been harsh. Right now till the 20th Mercury stations, which mean Mercury is hardly moving, when that happens we become...
MISUNDERSTOOD AND FOGGY By Laurie No surprise here, Mercury is not retrograde but really challenged whilst transiting through Pisces. Mercury is the planet that is responsible for communication and movement, our daily routines and intellect. Well Mercury is in Pisces till the 6th of March, Pisces is movable...
FIVE PLANETS IN CAPRICORN EEEEKKK!! By Laurie With 5 planets and Pluto in Capricorn it is time to stand on our own feet and work out your problems. I had a look at the transits as I am feeling irritated and intolerant, this is a feeling related to...
DECEMBER 2017 TRANSITS AND NEWS DIFFICULT BEGINNINGS GREAT ENDINGS This month we can experience quite a few challenges as Mercury stations and retrogrades throughout the Month. Mercury is all about communication, travel and movement, he is also the ruler of tricksters and thieves. For many holiday plans may change,...
BEWARE OF BAD DRIVERS By Laurie Mercury is now stationary, when a planet is not moving it is at its most vulnerable. Mercury is all about communication, travel and movement, he is also the ruler of tricksters and thieves. Mercury is retrograding in Sagittarius the sign of expansive...
PLUTO IN CAPRICORN By Laurie Naughtin I was asked why the world is in such a mess. One planet popped into my mind, Pluto. We are dealing with Pluto who delivers life altering punches, the planet that purges and brings with him a dark and sinister energy, power...
afterlife, Al-Biruni, conflicting, Cronus, Diplomatic revolution, GDP, Great Depression, Great Recession, Hades, John Frawley, Kenya, National Bureau of Economic Research, obsession, Pluto in Capricorn. destructive, Poseidon, Saturn, slavery, South Africa, William Lilly, William Ramesey, Zeus, Zimbabwe
EISCH!!! MARS CONNECTS WITH PLUTO ON MONDAY Written By Laurie Naughtin Ok so let’s break this down simply we have Pluto in Capricorn, Pluto in the tradition is known as the planet that just brings about bad things like death. In a more modern outlook we can see death...