AMBITION AND EXPANSION Awesome energy as Saturn and Uranus aspect each other by trine creating an easy energy that can help reform your life. In some case we may experience a rebellious need to do away with self restriction that we can impose upon ourselves. We may even find...
JUPITER ENTERS SCORPIO By Laurie What a powerfully charged day it is today with Jupiter entering into Scorpio. Life suddenly became busy and restless as Jupiter raced toward Scorpio highlighting what we must face what we need to do to change our circumstances. Expansive, big and bold are...
MUSINGS OF AN ASTROLOGER Written by: Leonie Maritz Tears of pearls for the delicate wounds of unsung melodies deep within harmed hearts and suffering souls. I wept and watched, through tear stained lashes, as those wounds explicitly expressed birthed healing and blossomed to cast rose petals of...
OK SO MERCURY IS DIRECT The breaks are off… By Laurie This Mercury retrograde has in my opinion been one of the worst I have experienced in a long time! Perhaps this has been trying because Mercury piggybacked on the eclipse as well as having extra power to...
SOLAR ECLIPSE IN LEO EGO AND DISGRACE By Laurie 21 August, not visible in South Africa The ego makes one do all sorts of weird and wonderful stunts to prove how connected or brave we are ‘Tanith Christie Scott’ Such a wonderful quote for this Solar Eclipse in...
MARS AND THE SUN IN LEO – CREATIVE ACTION-AWESOME! As of today we need to get rid of our hurts and issues we have been feeling. It is an interesting week, this past week and moving into next week. Mars the action planet has finally emerged from the emotional...
FULL CAPRICORN MOON DEEPLY EMOTIONAL AND VISIBLE This moon we are already feeling, the actual date is Sunday Morning at 6 07am EET, the conjunction to Pluto will perfect at 8 06 on the same morning. When the Moon is full, the tone of life becomes a formed concept,...
WHY DID KNYSA BURN By Laurie Naughtin As astrologers we are often asked if we could see events happening before the time. This is often an impossible task, unless you are watching all things at all times. After the event I looked at the South African chart, I used...
WHAT IS CAUSING SO MUCH TRAGEDY By Laurie Naughtin Neptune…its Neptune, Neptune is the 4th largest planet in the solar system. Neptune is an outer planet and the traditionalists see it as a malefic planet. Generally Neptune is the greater solvent, what Neptune touches Neptune seems to dissolve. Chaos...
MERCURY TRINES SATURN LET’S GET REAL PEOPLE By Laurie Naughtin This transit begins a period for serious thinking. If you approach your work and your concerns in an organised fashion, you will find the results advantageous. Mercury has been very slow and troublesome for a long while, now...