CRISIS DANGER OPPORTUNITY By Laurie, We have been dealing with a time is space where life can be a dangerous place and is somehow holding us in limbo. The reason for this is firstly 3 out of four retrograde planets are stationary, so things just not moving very...
MERCURY IS RETROGRADE Mercury in Taurus needs physical security and is practical with a deliberate mind, people assimilate information and material at a slower pace than any other sign. But what is learnt is not forgotten. With Mercury retrograde in Taurus all the above becomes stuck and clumsy. We...
MERCURY IS TRINE SATURN FOCUS ON THE SMALL STUFF This means that today we may be faced with some important concerns. Keep things practical and keep your mind focused. It is not a time to mess around, play games or have fun whilst working. This is because this energy...
NASTY ENERGY RETROGRADE VENUS IS IN THE LAP OF THE SUN By Laurie When a planet is close to the Sun it can burn up, the principle of the planet is fiercely damaged by the heat of the Sun. This is a dangerous time especially when that planet...
MERCURY IS NO LONGER MUTE Mercury is a planet that loves to communicate and move around, in Pisces a water sign communication, thinking and making things happen is seriously flawed. Mercury moved into Aries today where he becomes fiery and action driven, impulsive and quick to temper, but in...
FEBRUARY NEWS AND TRANSITS ECLIPSES, ACTION, ANGER AND LOVE By Laurie February is a Month of Eclipses, so yet again we will experience events that bring about change. When observing an eclipse there is a unique silence as the earth experiences darkness, even the birds become still. As...
  MERCURY IS SLOW SO FOCUS! Just feeling tired with little get up and go energy…it is a Mercury moment you are feeling. Mercury is going retrograde on the 19th, but starts to slow down today. Mercury is the traveler, the messenger the networker and has been in Capricorn...
FEELING EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE Laurie Naughtin Well the Moon is Wobbling… This very close Super Moon is stirring up emotions, our tempers may be on a very short wick brining out irrational anger and frustration as we allow our illogical feelings steer our thinking. Why you may ask? We are...
RESTORE AND REBUILD Jupiter is squaring Pluto, shew talk about power play in action!!! Jupiter is huge happy and expansive, he is in the sign of relationships, Libra, so relationships are high on the agenda. Pluto is known as the death planet, but that is rather dramatic, Pluto brings...
OPA Member Free Talk with Laurie Naughtin Horary Astrology: Essential Keys to Analysis. LISTEN NOW! OPA Member Free Talk with Laurie Naughtin Horary Astrology: Essential Keys to Analysis. Thank you for joining us for our OPA Member Free Talk with Laurie Naughtin Horary Astrology: Essential Keys to Analysis...