The whole world is waiting with bated breath to see who will win the USA Elections. I cast a horary chart on the 7th of November; it was a confusing chart as according to Horary terms both had a chance. As I am South African I need to turn...
NOVEMBER NEWS AND TRANSITS THIS COULD BE A GOOD MONTH Written by Laurie Naughtin Well November is a month where the theme of restructuring relationships is strong. What was broken can be fixed or at least compromises can be reached. If we look at the two slow...
Asgardia – The Space Nation: Astrologically Speaking WILL ASGARDIA BE A GAME CHANGER FOR ASTROLOGY Article by: Laurie Naughtin, Sublunar Astrology Asgardia – The Space Nation: Astrologically Speaking. A proposal for a Space Nation replicating life on Earth was launched on the 18th of October this week....
THIRTEEN ZODIAC SIGNS…NONSENSE OR NOT Article by: Laurie Naughtin Many of my clients called in a panic as they had heard from an Astronomer that owing to a shift in the heavens their Zodiac sign has changed! Nonsense… The Sun is the natural ruler of your ego this...
BITE YOUR TONGUE AND TREAD CAREFULLY There is a lot of impatient and angry energy out there, especially when it comes to relationships. Mercury and Mars are moving together in a square aspect which in itself is a stress point. Both Mercury and Mars are action driven planets, impatient...
HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON – WHO IS SHE REALLY? Debbie Pearmain – astrology student at Sublunar Academy Hillary Clinton has 4 personal planets in the Eastern hemisphere of her chart which means she is quite an independent person. There are only3 personal planets in the Western hemisphere which means that,...
AWESOME ENERGY AS MARS CONNECTS WITH JUPITER AWESOME ENERGY MARS CONNECTS WITH JUPITER!!! 6 Oct 2016 Wow brilliant! This can be a time for successful energetic activity in a big way, as long as you do this cautiously rather than recklessly. Both are in cardinal signs which give these...
Feel like you are balancing on a bed of thorns? Mars and Saturn are close to conjunction. Not a comfortable energy at all. When Mars and Saturn join up there is a frustration that occurs, especially when things are not going our way. This will bring about the inability...
Coalition Shifts Life Jupiter, large and organised in Virgo and Uranus in Aries, independent and strong willed are working together forcing shifts and changes…what has been brewing is ready to boil over. Uranus in Aries is looking for new, Jupiter in Virgo is about hard organised work. Being...
Seriously Time to Adjust Jupiter is direct, moving forward very slowly. Jupiter is about to perfect a stressful connection with Saturn. This is a time, especially following the long retrograde of Jupiter, to make adjustment to your life. There is restlessness in the air, a bit of...