JUPITER SQUARES URANUS By Laurie Naughtin www.sublunar.co.za Feeling frustrated, irritated, and battling to concentrate or experiencing unsettled thoughts? This is all understandable as Uranus the planet that behaves like a lightning bolt whenever it connects with any planet in our chart or in the heavens above is doing his...
TRANSITS FOR JAUNARY 2021 By Laurie Naughtin www.sublunar.co.za THE MOON 13th – New Moon in Capricorn – A new cycle begins, emotional stability is important to gain respect from self and others 28th – Full Moon in Leo – fulfilment of achieving leadership skills THE PLANETS 2nd – Mercury...
2021 YEAR AHEAD & JANUARY NEWSLETTER By Laurie Naughtin www.sublunar.co.za UNCOMFORTABLE AND FRUSTRATED ENERGY Navigating sudden shocking situations will be a theme running throughout the year. After the devastation and continual destruction COVID has challenged us with, we can expect to be going through a very tough year where...
TRANSITS FOR DECEMBER 2020 By Laurie Naughtin www.sublunar.co.za MOON 14th – New Moon in Sagittarius TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE NOT VISIBLE IN SOUTH AFRICA; New emotional growth, understanding of life and its lessons, engage in meaningful pursuits 30th – Full Moon in Cancer; forget and forgive past hurts, let go...
NEWSLETTER NOVEMBER 2020 LUNAR ECLIPSE AND A CARDINAL CROSS By Laurie Naughtin www.sublunar.co.za This is a month where we need to become more outgoing, stop looking behind at the past, avoid indecision, and focus on taking the initiative with our emotions, with others, thinking, and action and to do...
VENUS SQUARES MARS OPPOSING MALE FEMALE FORCES By Laurie Naughtin www.sublunar.co.za Venus has just entered Cancer where women in particular feel more shy and kinder than normal. They will portray sympathy and being in a water sign will be magnetic, attracting all sorts of people that come their way....
MARS IS IN ARIES Mars has just moved into Aries the sign of which he has day time ruler ship. Action describes Mars best and in his day ruler ship our days will be busy. He will go retrograde in Aries and will remain in this sign up until...
THE GALACTIC CENTER ENERGY BOOST The current position of the Galactic Centre is 27°3′ of Sagittarius, moving about 1° every 72 years. This point acts as an awakening, a burst of energy where sudden new thoughts release limiting beliefs. If you want to leverage this energy, look in your...
JUPITER STATIONS IN CAPRICORN WE CANNOT MOVE! Laurie Naughtin www.sublunar.co.za Today Jupiter enters his station in Capricorn. When a planet is in its station before going retrograde it is at its most vulnerable position. Jupiter in Capricorn is by nature debilitated being in its fall, now also not moving....
NEW MOON IN TAURUS Laurie Naughtin www.sublunar.co.za It is time to start something new. The world is in lock down mode and we are all feeling frustrated. Well today we have a New Moon in Taurus, new Moons are exciting as we have just ended a cycle and are...