By Laurie Naughtin

We have an interesting Month ahead, so get ready to be inspired cautiously, and in some cases ready to lay down your roots in a step by step manner. Take back your dignity and use your energy with passion not regret.
Bad things have happened over the past couple of years, some of us are on the bones of our bums, others left with long lasting illness such as long covid, depression and anxiety, we are not alone as the whole world is suffering with us.
This month, face and own what has happened to you and so many out there, then look at your strong points, tools that life experiences have given you and begin to build yourself up. As hard as it is we need to grab hold of our future with both hands letting go of the past.
We have help from the planets, Venus for one, yes she is retrograde, this pleasant diplomatic un judgmental Planet has found her voice and is being observant of that around that is not acceptable. We can use our feelings in a structured nonsensical manner to fix some wrongs, even some wrongs within. We don’t have to be nice we have to be honest and focused on the reality we are in. Venus is not just about our relationships, it is about our personal money and possessions.
I mentioned last newsletter that with this Venus in Capricorn the ruler of old things we may experience loss when it come to the elderly, this will continue, be it due to debilitation disease such as dementia or simply passing on into another far more pleasant realm. We have lost our dear Bishop Desmond Tutu, what wonderful gifts of wisdom he has left us with, I fill my loss by honoring his life work and wisdom. This is the gift our dearly departed have left us, so much wisdom an experience that we too can keep alive.
Around the 2nd week of January, Mercury will slow in motion and move into a retrograde in Aquarius, both love air and connection, both love thinking out the box and seeking for that innovative spark. Use this Mercury retrograde to research your mind and find your individual innovative spark.
Do be cautioned when it comes to working with groups of people or even communicating with friends petty squabbles, misunderstandings, and miscommunications are bound to happen. When honesty strikes it can be brutal when Mercury is in Aquarius, after all Aquarius is ruled by Saturn also residing in Aquarius a sign Saturn rules, exposing us all to the shocking truth of life.
Our truth is more fixed as we are feeling repercussions of Uranus square Saturn, understand the same applies to your friends and associates, for example the ongoing battle of pro vaccine or not it is a choice, we have made and totally own our choices, it’s not worth ending a friendship over. It is time get off our box of fixed opinions and let matters lie now, no one really needs to state their case anymore, rather work on mending broken fences. Avoid debated till end February and do not get involved in any financial scams! The amount of silver tongues just ready to charm your ear are around and ready to take your cash, don’t even trust your bank, if you get any scare notification or letter…go in and sort it out.
Be very aware of any form of IT scam, please back up your computers or any technology you have, you may find that dodgy printer finally dies on you, then yes buy a new one, even though Mercury is retrograde as it is RE placing what broke.
Jupiter popped into Pisces mid May 2021, this was when the Delta Covid strain brought about the 2nd wave and with it level 4 Lockdown because the Virus spread like wildfire.
Level 4 emerged as Jupiter went into his station retrograde direction. Growth was seriously restricted, jobs dissolved and countries, slipped into a recession. Alcohol yet again restricted causing financial chaos and loss in South Africa.
Travel which is completely controlled by Jupiter has been so badly restricted whilst under the rulership of Saturn. When he popped into Pisces he almost immediately went retrograde as did travel and entertainment, another huge blow to the economy.
Jupiter is supposed to be a happy, lucky planet brining loads of abundance and joy, but any planet no matter how benefic, when in a bad way will behave in a bad way.
I am looking forward to 2022 as Jupiter has just returned to Pisces a sign he rules, he will not be going retrograde in Pisces this time but rather embracing his ability to grow with compassion, without boundaries. This means we may at long last see a lessening of restrictions in all areas of life, especially travel and entertainment.
Take this energy on board and dare to dream about a future better than the one you are in now. There are no boundaries holding us back, exploration into the unknown has opened up. Pisces can be a hazy sign where we may feel a little unclear as to where to go, but if you tune into your inner gut feel and take that as your guide you will begin to navigate freedom of restriction in any direction.
Finally I need to touch on the Nodes as they too will have a big impact this year, here is a brief description of what Nodes are:
These are two points in a chart where the Moon crosses the ecliptic, the Sun’s path. The South node represents the resources we come to this world with, as we already have them it is the easiest point in our chart. The North Node is what we strive to achieve in this lifetime so is the most challenging point in a chart.
As a transit they change sign every 2 years or so, we will all fee the shift, The Nodes travel backwards so the North Node will leave Gemini it has been transiting through since the fated May 2020 covid chaos. In Gemini the Node is all about commendation trying to come from the Sagittarius platform of experience.
Sadly it has been past experiences, we needed new trendy talk and intellect as covid sure took our experienced scientist out of their comfort zones and shoved them into think tanks looking for a new way of connection, thinking and sharing their latest findings.
Now on the 6th of January 2022 the Nodes will move yet again, the one we need to achieve is the North Node; it will be moving into Taurus, strong practical consolidating Taurus looking at securing our way of life. The South Node in Scorpio will bring us the knowhow on how to be genuine and controlled in our efforts as we work towards the North Node challenge.
Our personal journey with these Nodes is to find our own security and how to use the resources other have to offer. That would be our Taurus Node mission, as for what we have is the tools of the South Node and that is the ability of knowing how to work with others by using the resources you already have and bring them to this blended party of pooling ideas and resources to fix life. Remember you have to give to get.
If groups of people were able to share their resourceful minds and abilities with others we certainly can make something that can be of use for the greater good of all involved.
It would seem that there is a lot of emphasis placed on Vitamin D these days. One company says only take D2, the other D3 combined with K2 for absorption into the bones. Many say we need to take vitamin D along side of fat soluble foods.
What we do know is vitamin D is essential for regulating calcium and phosphate in our bodies, the benefit are healthier bones, less arthritic types of disease, healthier immune function that can help our bodies fight covid, great for our muscles and heart health and an added bonus of healthy strong muscles and teeth and lessening of depression.
This was becoming very confusing, yes I know we can get the perfect dose from our Natural Sunlight but we are all glued to our computers and long working hours we often miss our dose of Sun shine.
In Astrology the Sun describes ones natural vital health therefore rules Vitamin D. We should not ignore its message, mine is in Pisces so I love fish and yoghurt. Your astrologer can advise you on a good diet for your health.
Surely vitamin D must be found in natural foods, so number on is the golden egg yolk, so why are we eating egg white omelets, rather cut back other foods,
It is found in yoghurt and milk products, fatty fish like salmon, sardines, mackerel and trout, Tinned fish is fortified with vitamin D even tinned Tuna. As vitamin D is stored in our bodies we only need one fish helping a week.
For those who enjoy liver, an excellent choice people, I will stick to my yoghurt eggs and fish.
Sometimes we get carried away with trends and artificial supplements, so much so we forget to eat our health and warm our hearts with the foods we actually need and deep down desire.
On that note, start to take an interest in eating your supplements in the form of 100% absorbable normal foods. You can save a fortune on chemist bills…just saying.
Happy New Year dear readers eat drink ‘all within reason’ and be jolly as Jupiter bring some happiness and optimism back into our lives.