Laurie Naughtin www.sublunar.co.za
Last Night we experienced a full Moon at 18 degrees of Libra.
Full Moons bring about a completion of a cycle, a time to complete what you have started, launch what you have been working on when we experienced a New Moon at 18 degrees of Libra in August 2019. Full Moons are illuminating, all sorts of emotions and hidden agendas come out, and in some cases our hidden nature will become visible to self and others.
This Moon is Libra carries about an extra potency that can be challenging to all people as it is Via combusta between 15 degrees of Libra and 15 degrees of Scorpio, the via combusta is also known as the burned path or the fiery road.
The sun is in fall in Libra, the moon in Scorpio. This area is opposite their exaltation signs of Aries and Taurus.
This Moon is served as a warning, foretelling of difficulty or trouble ahead – not a good time to commence any new ventures.
It was on the fixed star Seginus which gives off the energy of shamelessness and loss through friends and companies.
A warning not to disobey the rules, this will be followed by disgrace and ruin. A very apt Moon for these troubling times we are experiencing.