Sublunar Astrology


Strap yourselves in for a crazy ride with the planets in April. Retrogrades and eclipses in Aries can be super challenging. To embrace Aries energy we need to look at its positive attributes. Aries energy is inspirational, pioneering, courageous, enthusiastic and independent. On the negative side of the coin it can bring out our impatient nature, angry and aggressive, it leans towards being selfish and inconsiderate of others as well as impulsive.

We are still feeling the effects of the eclipse we have experienced end o March. Relationships and always trying to play the balancing act is no longer serving us. It is a great time in the 2 weeks following the eclipse to let go of trying to be fair and correct, always of putting others before yourself. You are important and you need to look after yourself to enable you to have the strength and energy to really find the correct balance between yourself and those that are important to you.

This is a time for you to observe the life you are living in and appreciate all the positive gifts independence can give to you. Leadership skills are very important when we are dealing with Aries energy. Wherever Aries is in you chart you will need to take matters into your own hands and take charge. But do remember when others are involved, allow them the space to be themselves, as bulldozing your way through negotiations will be counterproductive.

The nice thing about both the eclipse and Mercury retrograding through Aries is it is a great time for self explorations, to understand you yourself. To own both your strengths and weaknesses and to really understand who you are. So taking this time in April as a time for some deep reflection on self is going to be rewarding, when you are being yourself instead of conforming to others, you are doing both yourself and others a disservice. 

On the 8th we will experience a full Solar Eclipse in Aries, this will not be visible in South Arica. This will occur when both the Moon and Sun are in Aries, our emotions, the Moon, blocking out our ego, the Sun. Her with the New Moon literally birthing from the Sun we yet again have permission to satisfy our own needs so we are empowered to help others. This is easier said than done, as though the need to breakthrough into a pioneering venture, if it comes with emotional baggage we may experience a nervous energy that breaks down rather than builds up.

We will begin April with Mercury at a standstill in Aries, the mover grover not able to move in a sign that demands action can lead to irrational irritation and frustration. This is a time to be careful of injuries and we will be particularly vulnerable when it comes to travelling. Slow down, sometimes it is not possible to fight a tr4affic jam, as frustrating as it is, we need to learn to go with the flow. As Mercury retrograde and iis faster in a backward movement, we may came face to face with problems from the past that we may have been too impulsive with, or literally left a job undone. Typical of Aries to go full speed ahead, then to tire of the project and leaving it unfinished. This will come back to bite you during the retrograde.

With the ruler of Aries Mars in the very flexible comfortable sign of Pisces, we may just feel the need to zone out or have lofty idealistic views on what we can achieve. Sadly our thinking Mercury does not do well in Pisces, so we really need to get in touch with our intuition. Mars in Pisces can turn to alcohol or drugs as a form of energy or self gratification, Mars in Pisces is inclined to laziness. As Myrna Loftus says, Mars in Pisces comes across as quiet on the outside but restless on the inside.

With this energy we are not concentrating as well as we should and accidents can happen. We may trip and fall, bump ourselves or bump into things. We may try to push our boundaries during exercise or sport and hurt ourselves. Clumsy is a great word for April, avoid being clumsy and realize that other are also not thinking clearly and this too can cause a mishap.

Mercury Retrograde in Aries can bring about impulsive angry outbursts in communication, it very hard to hear a person when they are angry and shouting out their words. We need to be careful that we do not regret what we say. As this is a time for self reflection, avoid projecting your value onto others, rather reflect on yourself and why you react in the way you do. People will generally be quick to temper, but on the positive side if we love ourselves enough then our interest in people will be triggered, but remember to keep a broad mind.

Venus will move out of Pisces, after the holidays, and into Aries, this is a great time to exercise and cut back on excess. This may prove difficult as Venus in Pisces is ruled by this Lazy Mars that will want to procrastinate and find any reason not to put in the work.

Pluto moves into his station this month going retrograde in May. I do believe we will be seeing the negative side of AI coming into out. Follow the media, already I am seeing how this is affecting the ability to just write from within yourself. It is too easy to get AI to think and take over you individuality. There are pro’s and con’s for Artificial Intelligence so we need to be aware of what is real and what is not.


Let’s look at Activated Charcoal this month as Mercy in Aries can bring to the fore painful episodes.

Charcoal has been used for centuries as a treatment for poison, alcoholic poisoning and other toxic situations that poison the body.

Activated charcoal’s porous texture has a negative electrical charge, which causes it to attract positively charged molecules, such as toxins and gases. When liquids or gases pass through this activated charcoal, they bind to it. As this charcoal is not absorbed into our systems the toxins with the charcoal are simply eliminated from our bodies through our stools without causing any harm.

For those of you that suffer from wind, flatulence and indigestion, the gases attach to the activated charcoal making you feel a lot more at ease after a meal.

The area I am most interested in is that too much acid or alkaline in the body causes inflammation and pain, these toxic excesses are attracted to the charcoal and eliminated, and this lessens the build up of the toxins that cause joint pain. Also the toxins released from overtraining can be helped; too much lactic acid can be halved by taking the activated charcoal.

This is such an interesting article Activated Charcoal: Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, and Dosage (

I wish you all a safe and happy journeys, especially within yourself.