Sublunar Astrology


By Laurie Naughtin

Mercury has just separated from a conjunction with Jupiter, this triggers a shift in the way we think and connect.

With Mercury in Aquarius we need to find a way of looking at a broader, more unique range of ideas. We may want to have a lot of personal freedom as we explore our place in society. Independent thought will be difficult especially if they do not support the ideals of the group.

It is a great idea to discover your ideas through a group dynamic, remember when pitching thoughts or ideas to a group, you need to understand their level of thinking so you are heard. At times you may have to dumb down your ideas to a level the group understands.

Grow this Month is through Jupiter who starts off in his station and speeds up in a direct motion as the month progresses. Jupiter is ruled by this Mercury, so we need to understand how to manage Mercury as this is how growth will be most advantageous.

Mid Month Mercury will move into Pisces where Mercury becomes mute, thinking in an analytical manner will not be possible. Here we need to trust out intuition, listen rather than talk. It is not a good time to make any concrete decisions or verbalize your opinions.

Mars the action planet has been retrograde in Cancer for most of January, Mars wants to expand energy and in cancer his need to defend and protect. Mars is uncomfortable as the manner in which he defends or fights back is flawed by unfocused emotional slights. This builds up as the need to act is still strong but cannot come out or act in the way we may want to. This impotent energy gets drawn within and may manifest in illness, body pain and digestive discomfort.

But he is lovely to see with the naked eye, pop out around 8 for 8 30pm and look for the glittery reddish body in the sky, send Mars some love.

In a way this month is somewhat challenging as we are not able to express our thoughts easily with Mercury in Pisces and Mars the way we act is restricted by being overemotional.

To manage this, learn how to listen, listen to others from all walks of like. You will learn so much more by listening. Avoid getting too emotionally involved with situati9ns and people you have no control over.

If the need arises to defend yourself or others, just avoid tripping into an emotional state. After all who is listening in any way?

On Valentine day we have Mercury leaving Aquarius and entering Pisces, Pisces is about the dream, the ideal and mermaids. I love the idea of love and Mermaids, lets just be kind and gentle to everyone as a trigger to bring in positives vibes. We may not all have a partner, well so what… Pisces energy says everyone you love or care for deserves a heart, rose or simply a hug.




Holding in these emotional feelings that are difficult to express this month can lead to some rather negative mental and physical health problems.

Release is the way out, but not to others, rather allow different ways for your body to release pent up frustration, anger and emotional situations.

What happens to us when we suppress our feelings and anger?

1) Muscle Tension, Clenched Jaw, Headaches, and Gut Issues: Your body holds onto suppressed frustration and anger, causing physical symptoms?

2) Self-Criticism:

3) Fatigue:

4) Perfectionism:

5) Irritability

What we need to do to help release these feelings. Number one is to try and change your environment, even if it is just to get away from a person or group exuding negativity. Do this even if it is a temporary break from the trigger causing the frustration.

As my image shows, how peaceful is to go out into nature and see the glory and peace it brings to us. Smell nature, feel it and be it.

As far as I am concerned a great hard work out in a spinning class evaporates all my frustration, followed by a smoothing and idle chatter with gym friends is like a balm.

Pick some lavender and keep it on your desk or in your space, sip chamomile tea as you zone out listening to music you love through your earphones, escaping the emotional tension around you.