Sublunar Astrology


By Laurie Naughtin


After the rather depressing Full Moon in Capricorn where many expressed either feelings of melancholy or literally needed to take control of things, we enter July with the New Moon being in Cancer. The Moon Loves Cancer as it rules this cardinal water sign where emotions can run freely. This is a good time to allow us to understand our emotional approach to life and how to achieve our needs and trust our feelings. We will be heading into another Capricorn full Moon on the 21st, once again triggering heaviness and intensity of feelings.

All this emotional cardinal energy can heighten emotional outbursts and irritation that seem difficult to control. Understand that in one way or another we are all feeling a bit ratty, so avoid poking a ratty ‘Crab’ as you may just get snapped at. Saturn the author of depression is the ruler of the recent past New Moon and the one on the 21st of July. As Saturn rules Capricorn we need to see what we are dealing with. Saturn has gone retrograde in Pisces which could lead us to feel like unwilling martyrs and enjoying a bit of a self imposed pity party.

One good thing about a planet that is so slow, as it retrograde we have time to reflect on what this planet is wanting from us. Saturn in Pisces is battling with a serious lack of boundaries. In life this results in the collapse of structure, retainers collapsing, buildings and bridges become unsteady, authority failing and a general feeling of imbalance in all things such as fear, discipline and focus. Personally this can lead us astray as we dream about discipline and battle to put it into practice. With the retrograde we can see how we can repair this lack of structure and discipline we have brought about within our bodies and lives.

This energy is enhanced by Neptune in Pisces, Neptune the planet of illusion, deception and chaos is also retrograde in Pisces, in the last degrees of the sign. The last degrees of a sign are called anaretic degrees and bring about a feeling of discomfort as things are about to change. But not yet because Neptune retrogrades, the change is not yet to happen enhancing frustration from the unknown and general chaos seen worldwide.

Pisces knows no boundaries, can drown in unseen sorrows and takes on the worries of the world. You can imagine how having the authoritive planet as well as the chaotic planet both working through the lens of Pisces. This can create a deep, not realized sense of uncertainty. The good news is that as they are both retrograde we have time to really look within and actually see what is causing our lack of boundaries and chaos we have invited in and try to repair the damage.

Dear old happy Jupiter is all trendy and excited about so many opportunities of potential areas of growth. Awareness of the new and exciting trends springing up is the name of the game. Perhaps if we can get over ourselves, we can feel excited about new ways to grow and enjoy the fun Gemini way of life. Having the growth loving and lucky planet Jupiter in the trendy networking sign of Gemini tells us a story in itself. If we and to find luck and growth then we need to get excited with what is trending now and embrace the gifts we can glean from this energy.

Towards the end of the month Mercury will enter Virgo, now this is a good thing as Vigo energy is all about getting things tidied up and in order. Mercury takes on his energy of intellect and deeper thinking when in Virgo, adapting to situations and having the ability to organize situations and life as when needed. The bit of caution is the way we communicate; Virgo energy can be a bit bossy and critical when it is not being in a more positive way analytical. Virgo is obsessed with healthy habits, now this is a great for many of us to assess our unhealthy ways of life.


Mercury in Virgo will give us the push to become healthier. Next Month it will retrograde giving us an insight of what needs to be looked at to reset our health. Are we getting enough exercise for one, yes its cold but making the effort by planning an exercise plane into your daily routine will energize you and take away feelings of malaise and irritation. Remember just because it is cold, we still need to keep our bodies hydrated, a well hydrated body helps keep the lymphatic system flowing.

Virgo energy abhors infectious situations, we aware of hygiene and the fact that in winter we can easily spread germs and catch them. You cannot police others but during Covid we learnt the value of sterilization and washing your hands, it is not a bad idea to bring back these preventative habits, a little bottle of sterile hand cleaner at the ready will go a long way. Use stairs instead of lifts, lifts a filled with coughing sneezing people and stairs add to your daily exercise plan.