Sublunar Astrology


By Laurie Naughtin

Gemini season is at full speed with all its trendy, social and opportunities for networking and connecting with many fascinating people. A perfect example of this energy is the amazing turn out at the voting polls this year in South Africa. Gemini is youthful and so many of our young people took the opportunity to have their say.

With Jupiter now happily owning the Gemini energy we have the opportunity to lighten up and see the many interesting opportunities just waiting to be explored. Some of us may experience a few too many opportunities knocking at their door, if this is you, you may need to back off from an impulsive agreement or action, look at each situation weighing all the pro’s and con’s.

Some of us may just take on way too many projects as they all look so appealing, but we do need to remind ourselves that we can only juggle a few balls at a time. We may be feeling an inner restlessness as we are being bombarded with so much it can trigger stress and confusion. Take control of what you can and just step back doing one thing at a time. Try and not let outside situations over stimulate you or take you mind away from the path it was exploring or working through.

Distraction and short attention span can certainly be a negative side to Gemini energy; it can affect us as well as we may find ourselves noticing how others are just not focusing on the job. This brings about silly mistakes and forgetfulness due to lack of full concentration.

I have noticed the many of my connections in life have all become very chatty, from the car guards, petrol attendants to the ladies on the tills are engaging with me and sharing all sorts of interesting information. I too am sharing my interests with them; I have gained some fun connections. The petrol attendant today actually called me his friend, such a Gemini emotion, friends with everyone yet commit to none.

Saturn who is of all planet the most disciplined and structured, obeying all of natures rules and enforcing them, is about to retrograde in Pisces. He is very slow in motion and will be stationed by the last week of this Month.

When a slow moving planet goes retrograde this does not really affect us personally and as acutely as the fast moving planets, rather become a mundane reset in a way.  Saturn will be retrograde until mid November and during this time. Examples of Saturn in Pisces, structure without boundaries can be seen with building worldwide collapsing, mud slides and weather patterns that can destroy structure being more prominent than usual.

Personally many of us may be feeling as if we are losing a bit of control of our lives, not feeling as focused as we were. Personally during this retrograde period, we can look at what is disabling us both mentally and physically. It is time to address these areas in life that are not serving us, wherever Saturn is transiting through in your charts it is a great time to look at that area and rebuild a more manageable stronger structure.

Pluto is in full retrograde motion as well, and once again this does not affect us deeply as individuals, but rather the mundane, and this case the financial world. What is being triggered as Jupiter went into Gemini are money issues and the affect the lack of structure and discipline through wars and poor leaders is coming back to bite us. This is a time to see what financial opportunities we can benefit from the destruction and changes that are happening. Financial advisors can become your best friend, especially if they have their eye on the ball and can harness this Gemini energy guiding them to observe the many newer trends of investment.

We may notice a few more Crypto currency folly’s cropping up, make sure the Crypto Company you are with are well recognised. This may be the beginning of certain restrictions and rules being imposed when it comes to the crypto market, Jupiter and Pluto are connecting in the sky where reflection on advantages and disadvantages will come to light at the beginning of the month.

Wow what a month, so many things to think about, I feel like a dozen monkeys are chatting in my head.


As this is Gemini season let’s look at the messengers of the brain, in Astrology, the Messenger is Mercury the ruler of Gemini. So seeing the way our stomach and brain interact is fascinating.

So much information is coming out talking about your “Gut brain axis” Our gut and brain communicate through this axis. Did you know that the intestines produce over 90% of the body’s serotonin, I was fascinated when my Spinning Instructor told us about a documentary on Netflix called Hack your health.

The brain has a direct effect on the stomach, think of it the thought of eating brings saliva to our mouths as gastric juices are released in the stomach before the food actually gets there. We see how the gut and brain communicate with each other, if we disturb these signals then the communication become disturbed resulting is anxiety, stress, ulcers, depression and can trigger Alzheimer’s disease.

Here is a link to an interesting paper on this subject