Sublunar Astrology


By Laurie Naughtin

Wow we sure did feel the effects from the Lunar Eclipse, snow rain and weather changes. What caused this was an undersea volcano in the Antarctica which seemed to affect the Southern countries.

The eclipse season is not yet finished because on the 2nd of October we will feel the energy of an Annular Eclipse; this is a new Moon that will come between Earth and the Sun photo bombing the Sun, cutting out the ego as a more personal affect. As the Moon is new this is a great time to make changes, let go of issues and start a fresh new journey.

An Annular Eclipse is a total eclipse of the Sun, but as the Moon is not a super Moon and too far away from earth we will see the outline of the Sun with the shadow of the Moon in the center.

Moons are about our emotions, the Sun is concerned with our vital creative abilities as well as our egos. So we get our emotions literally blocking our egos bringing about the ability to express our needs. As this is all happening in Libra, this will bring about situations with regards to relationships and how we want to connect with our partners in life and at work.

Once we can put aside egotistical behavior, we become more open to seeing other people for what they are; in this manner we are able to find the balance in relationships. What the eclipse can expose are people in our lives who are just not willing to change as life focus is firmly on their own wants and needs.

We could see relationships and partnerships that have been tedious starting to come apart. If you are in a situation where it is one sided partnership or relationship, this is a time to either bring balance to the situation or to make the break. Eclipses are known to bring about endings for new beginnings.

Venus is the planet the rules Libra is going through Scorpio, Venus in this placement is not happy as she is intense, controlling at times jealous. These are issues that can raise their heads and create tension in relationships. Along with the Eclipse some may just doe the Scorpio thing and end in the negative sense or on a more positive footing, a situation can bring about a change in attitude that transforms the relationship in a positive manner.

Jupiter starts the Month not moving at all as he is in his station before going retrograde. Jupiter is a planet that wants growth and in Gemini, the growth is in the area of connections, networking and trendy things. During his retrograde period we can take a time to reflect on these areas of where we need to grow and may experience some setbacks.

The retrograde periods of the slower moving planets are in fact a great time to reflect on what has happened in the past months, what snags have arisen and to formulate a plan to re-evaluate certain criteria’s in our lives. We have all 5 of the slowest moving planets all retrograde. They stay this way for a long time so don’t necessarily shock us like Mercury does, instead the bring to light situations that are not really doing as well as they could, then once we see this, we are able to take the time needed to rectify any weaknesses in our plans to get better, stronger or even, for some, freer.

Uranus is directly on Algol again for the whole of the month. Eeeeek, Algol is a terrible fixed star that brings about energy where we can literally loose our heads. If you go back to mid July we experienced a time of aggravation then, this time it will raise its head again. We need to be aware in the back of our minds that impulsion can override logic.

We may find people can become over aggressive and aggravated quickly, you personally may be quick to temper. Uranus has been in the orb of Algol since July, interesting the Donald Trump has experienced yet another assassination, somehow this planet is affection some area in his chart, pity he does not employ the services of an astrologer.

With several planets moving into Scorpio and Mars in Cancer, I believe we will notice a lot of angry emotional outbursts. This is certainly not a time to poke the bull, but to avoid conflict. It saddens me to say the wars we are seeing in the east will become more shocking as time goes by.

A cleansing is happening and not in a good way, we can only look into our lives and when triggered, be aware that situations that arise can be due to a quick emotional response that is later regretted. So if someone snaps at you respond in a calm way, also try not snap at others, being angry and hitting out can be exhausting. Rather put your frustrations to good use in the form of exercise, hard work or some active creative project.


As Uranus is being triggered by Algol this can come out in health issues such as anger, or physically presented in the form of headaches, jaw pain and dental problem due to clenching.

Generally chronic clenching of the jaw caused horrible headaches, this clenching needs to be controlled, chewing gum it worst thing you can do if you are a jaw clencher or grinder, as it puts the TMJ joint into a spasm resulting in jaw and headaches.

Don’t mess around; pop into your dentist and get a bite plate, it really does work well. It is at night during rest we can actually do a lot of damage by grinding and clenching our teeth in our sleep.

Applying hot and cold compresses with a drop of chamomile essential oil, for 15 minutes can really help reduce the pain. Chamomile is known for its anti inflammatory properties, as well as being a muscle relaxant. It is also known for its calmative properties as a stress reliever and wonderful for your skin, especially stress related skin outbreaks such as eczema and rashes.

Well I think I need a nice cup of chamomile tea after writing and reading this news. Be kind and patient when dealing with others, we are all challenged and a tad short tempered, kindness and a smile can go a long way…oh yes and smiling can relax your jaw muscles…just saying…