CORONAVIRUS – ASTROLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE By Laurie Naughtin The first case, or patient zero of this dreadful SARS-CoV emerged on the 17th of November 2019, it appears to have originated form a 55 year old person in Wuhan China who presented with a weird chest infection. It was not...
ASTEROIDS THE HIDDEN SECRETS By Laurie Naughtin Asteroids are like Saints, you could use them in meditation to inspire and ignite your own intuition and hidden strengths. I have always been fascinated with the asteroids hence inclined to study their role in natal charts. Over the years I...
CERES RETROGRADE IN SAGITTARIUS Suffer Little Children. By Laurie Naughtin So many dreadful and unspeakable things are happening to children, more than usual which prompted me to look at what in the astrological sky is causing this. Ceres is in Sagittarius, Ceres is one of the largest Asteroids...
A BIG EXCITING EVENT IS HAPPENING URANUS FOLLOWS NEW MOON INTO TAURUS TOMORROW THE 15TH MAY. Our energy begins to build up with a new Moon, today we are feeling a bit tired, at the end of a cycle but tomorrow we are gifted with a New Taurus Moon...
HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON – WHO IS SHE REALLY? Debbie Pearmain – astrology student at Sublunar Academy Hillary Clinton has 4 personal planets in the Eastern hemisphere of her chart which means she is quite an independent person. There are only3 personal planets in the Western hemisphere which means that,...
Rx Mercury and New Moon double wammy! With both Retrograde Mercury and the New moon acting together in Capricorn we will find the tendency to give in to our oppressors as well as to conform to our environment. Be good, save and be thrifty, curb your appetite...
The Moon: Ruler of the Night “And God made two great lights, the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also” (Genesis 1:16) The Sun rules the day, the Moon, the night. This may sound strange to western...
THE PROGRESSED MOON – SHIFTS IN HEALTH CYCLES One thing we all know for sure is that ‘Life is always changing’. The planets are moving every second of the day and life ticks on. We change, we grow and we shift, thank goodness, otherwise we would all still...