MERCURY’S HORRIFIC JOURNEY IS ENDING By Laurie Naughtin Mercury has moved into his station. This is likened to the period when a patient’s heart has stopped and you have just used the pads to jump start it. No one breathes and the patient’s life is hanging by a...
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CRISIS DANGER OPPORTUNITY By Laurie, We have been dealing with a time is space where life can be a dangerous place and is somehow holding us in limbo. The reason for this is firstly 3 out of four retrograde planets are stationary, so things just not moving very...
HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON – WHO IS SHE REALLY? Debbie Pearmain – astrology student at Sublunar Academy Hillary Clinton has 4 personal planets in the Eastern hemisphere of her chart which means she is quite an independent person. There are only3 personal planets in the Western hemisphere which means that,...