JUPITER IS LEAVING SCORPIO YAY!!!!! Laurie Naughtin www,sublunar.co.za Jupiter ingresses into Sagittarius today, a time of great growth is here, in the form of politics, law, study and a higher consciousness. Transits are the planets in the heavens their energy affects us on Earth. So when a planet as...
GROW WITH STRUCTURE JUPITER AND SATURN ARE RETROGRADE Laurie Naughtin www.sublunar.co.za When the two big boys act against nature it is sure to bring about some deep reflection on your life path. What is broken will arise and what is not necessary will be highlighted, the challenge is to...
EISCH!!! MARS CONNECTS WITH PLUTO ON MONDAY Written By Laurie Naughtin Ok so let’s break this down simply we have Pluto in Capricorn, Pluto in the tradition is known as the planet that just brings about bad things like death. In a more modern outlook we can see death...
JUPITER ENTERS SCORPIO By Laurie www.sublunar.co.za What a powerfully charged day it is today with Jupiter entering into Scorpio. Life suddenly became busy and restless as Jupiter raced toward Scorpio highlighting what we must face what we need to do to change our circumstances. Expansive, big and bold are...
HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON – WHO IS SHE REALLY? Debbie Pearmain – astrology student at Sublunar Academy Hillary Clinton has 4 personal planets in the Eastern hemisphere of her chart which means she is quite an independent person. There are only3 personal planets in the Western hemisphere which means that,...