BEWARE OF BAD DRIVERS By Laurie Mercury is now stationary, when a planet is not moving it is at its most vulnerable. Mercury is all about communication, travel and movement, he is also the ruler of tricksters and thieves. Mercury is retrograding in Sagittarius the sign of expansive...
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WHAT IS CAUSING SO MUCH TRAGEDY By Laurie Naughtin Neptuneā¦its Neptune, Neptune is the 4th largest planet in the solar system. Neptune is an outer planet and the traditionalists see it as a malefic planet. Generally Neptune is the greater solvent, what Neptune touches Neptune seems to dissolve. Chaos...
CRISIS DANGER OPPORTUNITY By Laurie, We have been dealing with a time is space where life can be a dangerous place and is somehow holding us in limbo. The reason for this is firstly 3 out of four retrograde planets are stationary, so things just not moving very...