GROW WITH STRUCTURE JUPITER AND SATURN ARE RETROGRADE Laurie Naughtin When the two big boys act against nature it is sure to bring about some deep reflection on your life path. What is broken will arise and what is not necessary will be highlighted, the challenge is to...
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FULL CAPRICORN MOON DEEPLY EMOTIONAL AND VISIBLE This moon we are already feeling, the actual date is Sunday Morning at 6 07am EET, the conjunction to Pluto will perfect at 8 06 on the same morning. When the Moon is full, the tone of life becomes a formed concept,...
WHY DID KNYSA BURN By Laurie Naughtin As astrologers we are often asked if we could see events happening before the time. This is often an impossible task, unless you are watching all things at all times. After the event I looked at the South African chart, I used...