EARTHQUAKE IN TURKEY MAGNITUDE 6.8 By Laurie Naughtin A magnitude 6.8 earthquake in Istanbul has taken the lives of over 22 people and when I last hears there are estimated 1,400 injured. The effects were felt up to 34 km from Elâzığ Merkez/Elazığ affecting Syria, Georgia and Armenia. This...
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JUPITER IS LEAVING SCORPIO YAY!!!!! Laurie Naughtin www, Jupiter ingresses into Sagittarius today, a time of great growth is here, in the form of politics, law, study and a higher consciousness. Transits are the planets in the heavens their energy affects us on Earth. So when a planet as...
FIVE PLANETS IN CAPRICORN EEEEKKK!! By Laurie With 5 planets and Pluto in Capricorn it is time to stand on our own feet and work out your problems. I had a look at the transits as I am feeling irritated and intolerant, this is a feeling related to...