Astrology Course | The Craft of Horary
Diploma Course presented by Karen James
This Diploma course has been approved by The Society of Astrologers. An international advisory board consisting of leading Astrologers of the Tradition. Graduates will automatically be eligible to be practicing members of the society.
Payment plan available Terms and Conditions apply.
Venue is now online Zoom classes for all my courses.
International Accreditation / Local Recommendation
International Society of Classical Astrologers | Astrology Society of South Africa
Astrology Course | The Craft of Horary Prices :
Purchase please contact Karen: karenjames.skyguide@gmail.com
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Course Layout
Lesson 1
Introduction & understanding of basic rules of Horary.
Lesson 3
Turning the chart, houses the key to astrology.
Lesson 5
Movement – Aspects, retrograde planets and void of course.
Lesson 7 and 8
Lesson 10
Antiscia, Arabian Parts and Fixed Stars.
Lesson 13, 14 and 15
Second house.
Lesson 18, 19, 20 and 21
Fourth house.
Lesson 25, 26, 27 and 28
Sixth and Eighth house.
Lesson 34, 35 and 36
Ninth house.
Lesson 40 and 41
Eleventh house.
Lesson 44
Electing with Horary and the weather.
Lesson 46
Your assignment, presentation of a question with the correct prediction. In this work you will need to demonstrate all your skills you have learnt in the 43 lessons you have completed. The Prediction needs to be correct and the delineation and interpretation of the highest quality.
Lesson 2
The Planets, their natures and rulerships. The signs.
Lesson 4
Planets, Signs, Houses, Querent and Quesited.
Lesson 6
Essential & accidental dignities & debilities.
Lesson 9
Aspects and timing.
Lesson 11 and 12
First house.
Lesson 16 and 17
Third house.
Lesson 22, 23 and 24
Fifth house.
Lesson 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33
Seventh house.
Lesson 37, 38 and 39
Tenth house.
Lesson 42 and 43
Twelfth house.
Lesson 45
Electing, Temperament, Hyleg and traditional terminology
Community of Southern African Professional Astrologers
All students will be welcome and encouraged to attend talks via Zoom chaired by Community of Southern African Professional Astrologers.You will experience exciting talks and meet up with other students and well known Astrologers. When you have qualified you will be eligible to join the directory on COSAPA cosapastro@gmail.com