D L Pearmain 24/08/2021
On 31 May 1961 the Republic of South Africa was established. Its ascendant is in Pisces ruled by Jupiter in Aquarius in the 11th house. Saturn therefore rules Jupiter in this mundane chart as well as the 11th house in which it sits in Capricorn and the 12th house of the nation’s secret enemies. In addition to the first house, Jupiter also rules the tenth house of government in the natal chart.
This paints quite a picture. South Africa and its fiery Jupiterian government restricted by its secret enemies and its allies alike. Ironically there is not much difference between the two as both are represented by Saturn retrograde. Open enemies are represented by Mercury, which is resident in the country itself, the fourth house, the land.
Some might argue that not much has changed with Saturn, ruler of the 12th house and South Africa’s secret enemies now in the form of criminally corrupt politicians.
I thought it would be interesting, given the prominence of Jupiter and Saturn in this chart, to progress it to the date of the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on 21 December 2020. As it turns out South Africa’s progressed Jupiter is about a degree away from the Conjunction – well within orb. Progressed Jupiter sits in the ninth house but within three degrees of the cusp of the tenth in Aquarius. Saturn now rules the tenth house of government in the processed chart.
A cynic might say the secret enemies have become the government! Anyone with an interest in the Zondo Commission of Enquiry will attest that there is some truth to this. Jupiter and Saturn in the progressed chart are prominent in the ninth house close to the Midheaven.
In the progressed chart, Saturn and Jupiter are still both retrograde but Jupiter now rules the eighth house of mortality rates, national debt and investments and the 11th house of allies and the fiscus. Progressed Jupiter was hit hard by the Conjunction and our national debt and the Treasury have been severely impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and related issues. Mortality rates have obviously been severely affected.
Jupiter, the government in South Africa’s natal chart has connected with the transiting Jupiter-Saturn conjunction and it is now dealing with those secret enemies within its own ranks.
In mundane astrology Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions signify political change and transformation. American presidents James Garfield and William McKinley were assassinated on the dates of Grand Conjunctions. In the case of the first the conjunction took place in Aries and in the second in Sagittarius. These conjunctions mark turning points in a nation’s history.
Traditionally mundane astrology has always used the latest Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions as a starting point for predicting the course of events for a nation. For South Africa the Conjunction of 2020 was in the 9th house but very close to the Midheaven. Mundane astrology holds that the Conjunction is felt and focused particularly in places on Earth where it is angular in a country’s chart.
A fresh twenty-year cycle began for South Africa on 21 December 2020 which is also the date of the summer solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. The expansive and unchecked nature of the Jupiterian energy in Sagittarius in the natal chart has been given a reality check by the Grand Conjunction in Aquarius ruled by Saturn.
The Inner Circle Shows South Africa’s progressed chart at the time of the Grand Conjunction in December 2020. The outer shows the Conjunction

Saturn, the great malefic says its time to get to work, become mature and stop fooling around. Jupiter signifies wisdom, truth justice, ethics and law. Its expansive nature is curtailed by the severity of Saturn in the progressed and natal charts. Saturn is a disciplinarian and maybe it is no bad thing that the Conjunction has delivered a slap upside the head!
Saturn in the progressed chart has taken charge of both the ninth and tenth houses. The constitutional court (ninth house) has faced some of its hardest moments yet this year in dealing with a recalcitrant ex-president. Despite the fact that Saturn is the Great Malefic perhaps its influence offers some hope for a more mature and responsible government for the next twenty years.
https://jupiterastrology.com/c8-mundane/assassination-of-past-presidents-of-america-itsconnection-with-saturn-jupiter-conjunction-connection/ https://alabe.com/text/Stamenkovic-TradMund.html 24 August 2021